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ISSS represents a technical society with its own spectrum of technical journals. This society’s mission is to promote study, research, teaching and applications of science and engineering to develop advanced propulsion concepts and applications.

PERLS “Propulsion and Energy Research Labs” is an association of researchers working in different laboratories and Universities, located in Portugal and Lisbon regional area.

These are some of the best ideas about space propulsion you will find on the internet. From the simple magnetic field around a wire to the complex electromagnetic fields used for pumping radioactive materials. Many simple experiments and examples anyone can build themselves. 

Space Science Systems Research Institute (SSSRI) is a research-based institution dedicated to researching into the Systems of Space Science Exploration. With set goals and specific time lines, SSSRI has already established itself as a centre of excellence in Space Science Systems in Ghana and Africa.

(under constraction)

This journal aims to assist the development for the future creation of new scientific theories and technologies including space propulsion systems, which are not on the extension of current science and technologies.



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